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時間:2024-07-26 14:32:24 體裁作文 我要投稿
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  Write an expository essay on the problems man will be faced with in the new century.

  In the new century, human beings will be filled with hope and live more advanced life. What used to be depicted in science fictions can be the reality of the near future. However, man will also have to confront with some problems that will curtail(剝奪)human beings of their existence.

  First of all, pollution of all forms such as land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution are worsening with each passing day. People complain all over the world that it is becoming harder to breathe and water is turning undrinkable. Also forests are being felled at a very fast rate. The pollutions are getting so terrible that in some countries we can’t find clean and clear rivers and white clouds in the sky! When the children draw a picture of their surroundings, they paint the green trees in gray, the red sun in gray, everything in gray, and they can’t find a pure environment except in the books.

  Additionally, the explosion of population in some parts of the world is manifesting its terrible results. Human beings wil1 have outgrown the earth’s resources, and people will run a high risk of starvation and diseases resulting from overcrowding. In due course, man would be forced out of the earth if the present trend were not reversed.

  What is more, in the past century we had many disastrous wars. But there is still potential that the atomic bomb will be used by some politicians in order to keep regional hegemony. If it should happen, the exp1osion could easily lead to the destruction of civilization.

  More seriously, the depersonalization of human relationships and the weakening of spiritual values are aggravating due to the stress caused by the busy schedules and the extreme pursuit of money. This will further contribute to man’s isolation and loneliness.

  Apparently, with all these problems facing human beings, it seems to be overwhelmingly urgent to conquer them one by one because we have only one earth and it is our home. In the new century, we must try our best to heal the world and make it a better place for you, for me and for the children who will come to this world.


  Showing respect to parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral most of the students today are “the only child” in their family, they often regard themselves as the“centre”of the family, without caring much about their parents. Our school started a programme when the new year is “Respecting parents programme”. Ten“Do's”have been worked out for the students to follow clearly and easily, including:

  “Remember your parents'birthdays and express your best wishes to them; say”hello“to your parents when you see them returning home; and tell your parents where you go when you leave home.”

  The programme has been successful, and has won praises from parents and other sides of the society. People say this is what we should have done earlier!


  It goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear english spoken by many people.

  From this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our primary trouble is that we have tackled the study of language from the wrong end. we are like theman who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in learning english involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. then comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn english is much the same as the way you learned your own language.

  First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use the language easily. in other words, you have to build up language habits in english just as you build up english habits in your own language. to sum up, we must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. nobody can learn to play ball for you. nobody can learn english for you. it's up to you. you must learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to practice.


  Huge population is one of the main problems in China. Since the 1970’s the Chinese government adopted a policy of family planning---- single-child policy---- as a basic state policy to solve this problem. Until now, this birth control policy is still implanted in our country and both positive and negative effects have been harvested.

  With the adoption of the family planning policy, the rate of population growth has been successfully controlled. This has already brought about some satisfactory results in China. For one thing, people’s living standard has been greatly improved with our country becoming more and more prosperous, and our national economy developed steadily. Furthermore, with decreasing population, the problem of shortage of water in parts of China is solved gradually. In addition, with the low rate of birth, it goes with less energy consumption, which will benefit the overall development of our economy. Moreover, this policy has greatly reduced the financial burdens of the parents who have otherwise had more children, enabling them to focus their resources on the single child’s well-being and education.

  However, the implementing of this policy also brings about some problems. First of all, as there is only one child in a family, the child becomes “l(fā)ittle emperor” or “l(fā)ittle empress” of the family, surrounded by parents and grandparents. The spoiled child can get whatever he likes and discards whatever he dislikes. This phenomenon is more popular in large cities will do great harm to the children themselves. They don’t cherish what they have got because they can easily get whatever they would like to. Worse still, in the future when they grow up, they might feel very difficult to adjust to the society or cope with the adversity. Some people also show great concern that when the single children get married, the couple have to take care of 4 old people.

  While admitting that single-child policy does bring some negative effects on the single child, we must take it for granted that it has benefited and will continue to benefit the country. Therefore, we should carry it one and at the same time adopt some measures to avoid the adverse consequences the policy may produce.









  論文關鍵詞: 大學英語專業(yè) 精讀課 說明文教學

  論文摘 要: 根據(jù)《高等學校英語專業(yè)英語教學大綱》對精讀課教學的要求,以及英語說明文的語篇模式的描述,作者提出,在大學英語專業(yè)精讀課說明文教學實踐中,應該著重抓住文章的語篇模式、組織結(jié)構(gòu)、語言特點、寫作技巧及修辭手段五個方面。作者認為,只有不斷探索和創(chuàng)新,才能不斷提高大學英語專業(yè)精讀課說明文教學的水平。



  二、大學英語專業(yè)精讀課課文所涉及的體裁及說明文語篇模式 說明文是描述某一事物,事由或過程的文章。它用于說明客觀事物的特點和性能,或介紹某種操作程序,或解釋某種抽象概念,或闡明某種科學原理,或探究某些自然現(xiàn)象及社會現(xiàn)象等,完全是就事論事的描述,所以也稱事實性或技術性的描寫文。把握所說明的事物的特征和本質(zhì)是理解說明文的關鍵。詞典、論文、實驗報告、產(chǎn)品說明、廣告都屬于這類體裁。說明文是學生、科學家、專業(yè)人員常用的一種體裁。說明文按照邏輯推理的方法闡述事物的發(fā)展過程和展示事物的關系。

  語篇模式就是語篇內(nèi)在的修辭結(jié)構(gòu)(rhetorical structure)。它與文章的體裁有著密不可分的關系,體裁結(jié)構(gòu)在語篇結(jié)構(gòu)層面上對語篇的形成具有制約作用,那么語篇的組織模式必然也要受到體裁的制約(Yang Xuemei,20xx)。

  說明文語篇模式宏觀結(jié)構(gòu)上常采用“問題—解決型”、“一般—特殊型”、“匹配比較型”語篇分析模式。第一種思維模式的程序是:首先說明情況,然后出現(xiàn)問題,隨后作出反應,采取的反應可能解決了問題,也可能沒有或沒有完全解決問題,最后對此作出相應的評價。而第二種思維模式則通常表現(xiàn)為兩種形式:一種是先概括后舉例,另一種是先講整體輪廓,后說諸多細節(jié)。第三種思維模式通常是以英語為母語的民族用來比較兩個事物的相同之處或?qū)Ρ炔煌幩褂玫囊环N思維模式,這種語篇模式常用來比較事物異同。比較事物相似之處稱為“匹配相容”(matching compatibility),比較事物差異則稱為“匹配對比”(matching contrast)。人們常用這種思維模式來比較兩個事物的相同之處和不同之處,先提出論點,再進行論證。這種語篇形式一般存在于較長的語篇中,常與一般特殊型組成復雜的思維模式。其表現(xiàn)形式為:重復法、詞匯關聯(lián)法和排比法三種(Yang Xuemei,20xx)。












  例如:第二冊第九課“Quick Fix Society”和第三冊第一課“Your College Years”屬于“一般—例證型”(Generalization—exmaple)體裁結(jié)構(gòu),這種體裁結(jié)構(gòu)模式符合中國學生的思維模式,學生掌握和操作起來比較容易。其特點是先把要表達的思想概括成段落的主題句或全文的立證句,然后舉例說明或交代細節(jié)。

  在“Quick Fix Society”中,作者通過作者夫婦真實的一次度假來回路程上的經(jīng)歷,對比走高速公路去西弗吉尼亞和回來時穿越鄉(xiāng)村走完全不同的路線而帶來的完全不同的感受,從而作者開始思考這樣的問題:美國已經(jīng)在社會的很多方面成為一個追求快節(jié)奏的國家,這是文章的主題句。然后作者進一步從三個具體方面詳細地闡述這種現(xiàn)象:“不等以后,只爭現(xiàn)在”,“不要緩慢,只求更快”,“不求透徹,只重表面”。最后作者向美國的同胞發(fā)出號召,讓大家放慢腳步去充分品味大自然和人類所創(chuàng)造的美好事物,讓人們重新發(fā)現(xiàn)生活(茅風華、孫曄,20xx)。

  第二冊第十五課“The Ridle of Time”屬于問題—解決分析模式(簡稱PS模式),它是一種已被普遍討論和采用的語篇分析模式。 "




  例如:“The Ridle of Time”是一篇科普文章,本文語言上一個突出的特點就是通俗易懂:在措辭上,除了個別專業(yè)術語外,文章沒有什么晦澀生僻的`大詞難詞,而是常用詞;在句式上,也是簡潔明了,而不像法律或?qū)I(yè)科技文體那樣句子冗長復雜(茅風華、孫曄,20xx)。



  例如:在“Quick Fix Society”中,作者使用了對比法(comparison and contrast)和舉例法(illustation)。在“The Ridle of Time”中,作者使用了定義法(definition):文章一開始作者提出了問題“What is time?”,然后作者列舉了不同科學家對時間所下的不同定義。



  例如:在“Your College Years”中,作者在文章開始使用了三個修辭問句來引出所討論的話題。排比修辭中包含了詞語、詞組、句子及從句的排列使用。另外,作者還使用了對照(antithesis)、轉(zhuǎn)喻(metonymy)、對比(contrst)等。











  參考文獻: [2]胡倩.“體裁教學法”與大學英語閱讀教學[J].蘇州鐵道師范學院學報,20xx,(1):113-116.










