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 、耪Z言知識(shí):學(xué)習(xí)生詞短語:steak, eat like a wolf, genuine, reserve, scream, fake, bow, amount, take a chance, manner, issue, in rags, indeed, as for.


 、乔楦袘B(tài)度:學(xué)生能夠看出在唯利是圖的資本主義舊社會(huì),金錢是決定一切的主宰。對(duì)一個(gè)人的態(tài)度,看法,都會(huì)隨著金錢的不同而發(fā)生改變。那些表面的關(guān)心,奉承,和熱情下,隱藏著的正是勢利,冷漠和極度的虛偽。而文章所要贊美和謳歌的是誠實(shí),正直和堅(jiān)定。學(xué)生需要明白,在充滿誘惑的現(xiàn)代社會(huì)里,一個(gè)人需要的是比百萬英鎊更加高貴的潔凈靈魂。三教學(xué)過程Step Ⅰ revision

  1 student read the new words of this unit together.

  [Aim] strength the memory of the new words; students will be more familiar to the words of the passage.

  2 ask some questions about the text learnt last class.

  a can someone tell me what happened to Henry after he went to London? b Ask students about their opinions how things will change after Henry got the one million note?

  [Aim] do a brief review on the first part and set up a collection with the next part. Train students’ ability of thinking and speaking in English. [Group discussion] the necessary step Step Ⅱ new words

  Students guess the meaning of the new words.

  new wordssteak: a thick slice of good quality beef牛排eat like a wolf:eat food very quicklygenuine:real reserve:order or bookscream:give a long piercing cryfake:false, not realbow:鞠躬.

  [Aim] the picture here to help students remember the new words and make it easy to understand the text.

  [Group discussion] the step can be omitted in the front classes to check their ability of fast reading. Step Ⅲ Lead-in and first reasing

  Students will a series of pictures and predict when and where the next story happened.

  Act one, Scene 4 in the restaurant

  Ask students “can you guess where did Henry in and what he was doing?”

  Ss: Henry was eating in a restaurant.

  While watching, students will pay attention to the change of the

  characters’ facial expression and attitude.

  Using this step to help students form a general understanding of the text. Ask students what’s the attitude of the waiter and why?

  Ss: Because Henry was in rags and the waiter may thought he was poor. The waiter is in rude manner. can you describe how Henry ate the meal? Ss: He ate like a wolf. can you guess what they were talking about? Ss: They may thought Henry can not afford the meal. What did Henry took out? Ss: The bank note. What’s their reaction?

  Ss: Surprised. Shocked. Screamed.… Then what happened?

  Ss: They didn’t believe Henry and supposed the note was not genuine. They asked a banker and knew the note was real. At that moment, their attitude? Ss: changed! Why? Ss…

  T: ok. now let’s listen to the tape and try to answer some questions. [Aim] the reason why the lead-in part is so long is because students have

  watched the movie. They know what happened. Here teacher just lead them to memorize the plot and make them talk by themselves using the new words. Students will have a deeper and active thought about the text. [Group discussion] It is better to use multi-media device than teach in class. Because a great number of pictures can rise students’ interest and pictures is more intuitionist. They are helpful to train students speaking ability. In the front classes, teacher can let students have a short discussion and then give a speech according to the pictures. Step Ⅳ Listening and post reading

  Listen to the tape and the try to answer the questions.

  1. What was it in the letter?A million pound bank-note.2. Before Henry took the note out of the envelope, did the waiter serve him politely? Why? no, he didn’t. He served Henry impolitely. Because he thought Henry was a poor man who was not able to pay the meal.

  3. Did the owner believe that the note was genuine or not? Why?He was not sure if it was real. Because Henry was in rags.

  4. Whose behavior changes the most during this scene?The owner’s behaviourchanges the most because he stops being rude and worrying if Henry can pay for the meal and becomes over-polite offering Henry a free meal.

  5. What kind of person is the owner of the restaurant?He is somebody who is only impressed by how much money somebody has.

  6. Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?He may be frightened Henry will not come back. He may also worry that Henry will tell his friends about the bad treatment he got at the restaurant and they will not return either.

  [Aim] These questions are harder and harder. After lead-in, students can answer some of them easily, but the rest are a little bit difficult. At this time, students will have a discussion to answer the questions. The aim is first to get them be more familiar to the text and second to train their

  listening, speaking and reading ability. Thirdly, through discussion, students will grasp the emotional aim, that is, in the capitalism society, money is everything. The relationship between people is all based on money.

  [Group discussion] This step is a good collection with the last step. Students completely understand the text by their own. The last step helps them form a general impression and this one focuses on details. It clearly shows the advantage of multi-media class. Step Ⅴ language Points

  Explanation1.amount n.1)數(shù)量,數(shù)額a large amount of work大量工作2)總額,總數(shù)He could only pay half the amounthe owed.

  2. Well, we will have to take a chance.哦,我們要賭一把了。take a/ the/ chance/ chances碰運(yùn)氣;冒風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

  e.g. We decided to take a chanceon the weather and have the party outdoors.我們決定與老天爺賭一把,在戶外聚會(huì)。e.g. We mustn’t take chances. We’d better play safe.我們不要冒險(xiǎn),我們最好求穩(wěn)。

  3. in a rude mannermanner表“方式,方法”,常用單數(shù);表“舉止,態(tài)度”,也用單數(shù);表“禮貌,禮儀”,常用復(fù)數(shù)。He answered in an arrogant manner.His mannerwas impolite.It is bad mannersto talk with your mouth full.

  4. screamgive a long piercing cry of fear (cry)尖叫She screamedwhen she saw the tiger last night.5. genuine1) real, not fake or artificial真的,非偽造的,非人工的

  a genuinepearl a genuinenote2) sincere, honest真誠的,真實(shí)的She seems genuinebut I can’t trust her.realtrueactualgenuine 6. issue1) publish出版,發(fā)行The Bank of England issuedthe million pound notes.2) come, go or flow out流出blood issuingfrom a wound7. in rags衣衫襤褸rag: odd clothHe is in rags.

  8. indeed1) in fact事實(shí)上,其實(shí)I don’t mind. Indeed, I am willing to help you.2) truly, really, certainly的確,實(shí)在的,確實(shí)-Did he finish the work?-Indeed, he did.

  9. as for至于,關(guān)于You can have a bed, but as forthe children, they will have to sleep on the floor.

  [Aim] The pictures here are to explain the important language points of the text. Students are familiar to these words because they have read and used them for several times. The point here is to make sure students can use the words and phrases correctly. To achieve this, teacher need to let

  students make some sentences according to the languages and give guidance on the usage.

  [Group discussion] Different methods should be used according to different students. Step Ⅵ retell the story

  Retell the storyJobless, penniless, honest, the right person to choose for bettinggave Henry an envelope and told him not to open it until 2 o’clock

  Some new wordsincredible:difficult to believe (unbelievable)stare at:look at sb. / sth. for a long time nightfall:the time in the evening when it becomes dark survive:continue to live or exist

  spot:see or notice a person or thingaccount for:to be the explanation or cause of sth. charity:施舍by accident: by chance

  Ask student to retell the story according to the pictures. [Aim] Train students’ ability of speaking.

  [Group discussion] This is a necessary step of reading class. The point is how to deal with time.

  Summary: ok. Students, now can you tell me what do you learn from the story?

  Ss1: I think money is very important in the story. T: Yes, good. But why money is important? Ss2: because you can use money to buy everything. T: Really? Different opinions?

  Ss3: Because the social system is different.

  T: yes. This is one aspect. Do you really think that money can buy everything? Ss: different answers.

  T: how should we treat money? Is money the most important thing in our lives? Ss: no

  T: oK. To think of my questions after class.

  [Aim] to sublime the topic. Get students to know that a good quality and purity soul are more important than money. Give their opinions about how to treat money correctly.

  [Group discussion] others class can have a further discussion. Step Ⅶ Homework

  [Aim] This step is to consolidate what learnt in this unit. Make sure they have a good command of the knowledge.

  [Group discussion] Different class should have different homework

  according to the degree of students.

  Homework1. Read and perform the whole play with the help of the scripts in the book.2. Review what you have learnt in the whole unit.












