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  1、能聽懂會說What d u d n Saturdas/Sundas? I ften d hewr, read bs and watch TV.

  Lessn 6 教學(xué)目標(biāo):

  1、能理解認讀Read and write 部分的對話,并能在情景中運用;

  2、聽說讀寫Read and write中的四會句子,并根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容完成句子填空練習(xí);

  3、能夠完成Let’s chec部分對本單元學(xué)習(xí)進行階段性評價。


  教學(xué)重點:本課時的重點是四會掌握句子:What d u d n Saturdas? I watch TV n Saturdas. What abut u? I d hewr。

  教學(xué)難點:本課時的難點是將動作和星期幾在一個句子中表達,如I watch TV n Saturdas. 并能進行詞組和單詞的靈活應(yīng)用,以及句中的大小寫書寫規(guī)范。


  Step 1. Waring up


  把課后收集到的.周末活動進行整理,使用句型:“What d u d n weeends? I….”在班級內(nèi)匯報,找出學(xué)生們最喜歡的周末活動。


  A: What da is it tda?

  B:It's Mnda.

  C:What d u have n Mndas?

  B:I have ath…I dn't lie Mndas.I lve Sundas.

  A:What d u d n Sundas?

  Step2. Presentatin

 。1)教師呈現(xiàn)教材圖片,讓學(xué)生說出表現(xiàn)Z周六活動的三張小圖代表哪三個動詞短語。并試著按照Z的喜愛程度排序。教師再問學(xué)生:What des Aunt Cath d n Saturdas?請學(xué)生閱讀對話后回答。



  Step3. Let’s pla

  (1)Grup wr

  分小組討論A和Wu ifan的周末活動,并找出他們的共同愛好。然后小組討論每位成員各自的周末安排,發(fā)現(xiàn)共同愛好和不同之處,依照所給示范在班級內(nèi)匯報。

  (2)Tas tie


  4Step3。Cnslidatin and extensin(鞏固與擴展)

  Finish:Let’s chec, Read and write





  (2)能夠聽說讀寫句子This dog can help him.

  Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t

  He only wants to play.








  Step 1 Warm up



  T: What can you do ?

  Ss: I can…

  T: Can you …?

  Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

  Step 2 Presentation and practice

  1. T: I can draw pictures.教師在黑板上畫一只小狗。

  What can the dog do?/ What can’t the dog do?

  Ss: This dog can…

  This dog can’t…



  T: What can you see on the TV?

  Ss: I can see a man and a dog.

  T: Look at the man. He is special. He can’t see. He is blind.

  This dog can help him. It’s a special dog.

  學(xué)習(xí)單詞blind, special



  T: This TV presenter is talking about them. Listen carefully and answer questions: Are they in China? Who can help the blind people?


  (2)Listen and repeat.

  (3) Who want to be the TV presenter?


  (1)Amy has a dog named Fifi. Can Fifi help the blind people?

  Listen and answer.


  學(xué)習(xí)句子He only wants to play.

  (2) Listen and repeat.

  (3) Read and find the sentences with “can”, “can’t”.

  (4) Activity book.

  Step 3 Consolidation and extension

  1. Activity 3 Look and say.

  T: This dog and help the blind people. What about other animals? What can they do? What can’t they do? Group work.

  Ss: This panda can… This bird can’t…


  2. Memory game.

  老師出示一幅熊貓Panpan的圖片,周圍幾幅小照片分別介紹了它能做的.事和不能做的事。給學(xué)生幾分鐘觀察并記憶。找一個同學(xué)到前面來,其他同學(xué)提問,如Can Panpan play football?比一比誰答對的題最多,誰的記憶力。

  Step 4 Summary



  Step 5 Homework

  1. Listen to the tape and copy the sentences.

  2. introduce your best friend. What can he do? What can’t he do?

  Step 6 Blackboard design

  Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him.

  This dog can help him.

  Can Fifi help the blind people?

  No, he can’t. He only wants to play.



  This lesson is about Module 7 Unit 1 “This dog can help him.” of New Standard English, Book 9. This lesson is for the students of Grade Five.


  1、Knowledge aims:

  a. To enable students to master and use these new words : blind , special.

  b. To enable students to master the usage of “can” .

  c. To enable students to use the target sentences correctly : This dog can help him . Can Fifi help the blind people ? No , he can’t . He only wants to play .

  2、Ability aims:

  a. Talking about abilities with “can” , “can’t ” and know the objective case.

  b. To improve students’ language ability.

  3、Emotion aims:

  a. To encourage students to cooperate with the others , help each other and learn from each other.

  b. To educate students to protect animals and help disabled people .


  To master and use the new words , sentence pattern and the usage of “can”。


  To use the sentence patterns to talk about ability.


  cards , CD-ROM, CAI, task-paper, tape—recorder.


  Step1. Warming up


  2、Please sing a song and do the actions.

  3、Look and say some phrases more .

  4、Free talk. What can you do ? Or what can’t you do?

  Step 2. Presentation

  Dear boys and girls, Do you love animals?

  We can see some dogs and cats in our life. What can they do ?

  Today we’ll learn Module 7 Unit 1. ( Write on the blackboard)

  Step 3. Practice

  1、Listen to the text and try to answer the questions:

  Q1: How many dogs are there in the text? Answer the question------2 dogs.

  2、Show Ss by PPT:Look at this dog. Is this dog lovely? It’s a pet dog. Its name is Fifi. Look at the other one.

  Is it lovely? It is very special. Learn special(Pay attention to the pronunciation of “e”)

  3、Show Ss a picture of blind people by PPT and ask “What’s the matter with this man ?”Learn blind

  4、Who can help him? Look! This dog can help him. (Write on the blackboard.) Learn the target sentence. (Read in the different ways. ) Pay attention to “ him”。

  Learn the usage of objective case . Then do a practice .

  a. My mum is ill. I will helpXX. (she her)

  b. Who can help XX? ( I me)

  c. The boy is cute. Dad bought a pen forXXX. (him he)

  d. These are blind people. But Fifi can’t helpXXXXX. (they them)

  5、Listen again and circle “can, can’t” . Answer the question:

  Q2:Can Fifi help the blind people?

  6、Learn the sentences: Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t. / Yes, he can. (read in pairs )

  Fifi is a pet dog. So he only wants to play. Read this sentence.

  Pay attention to “wants”。 (Learn the third person singular of the simple present tense.)

  Read the target sentences on the blackboard. Let’s sum up the usage of “ can ”。

  7、Development activities : read these sentences and feel the usage of the original form of verbs.

  a. Let’s see.

  b. I will go to school tomorrow.

  c. He is going to swim.

  d. I want to drink water.

  8、Listen to the text and repeat.

  9、Read in roles. Learn TV presenter.(畢福劍) Who wants to be Lingling/ Amy/ TV presenter?

  Step 4. Production

  1、Dogs are very clever. What about the other animals? Let’s see. Try to say“ This… can/ can’t…”

  2、Guessing game. Try to say “ This…can/can’t…” Guess “ Can...?”

  3、Do some practice. (Task paper)

  4、Reading practice : There is a TV show.

  This is the TV presenter---- little pig. Please read and complete.

  5、Talk about your pet . What’s your favourite animals ?

  Please talk about your pet.

  Step 5. Summary and homework

  1、Sum up:What have we learned today?


  Copy the key words and the target sentences for 3 times.

  Write a passage about your pet.

  3、There are many disabled people in our life. Let’s have a look. Show them some pictures of disabled people who named TaiLihua, Yangguang, LiuWei and PingYali etc.

  They are broken in health but not in spirit .

  4、Learn English proverbs:

  a. Broken in health but not in spirit.

  b. Be the useful to the society.


  Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him.

  special Can Fifi help the blind people?

  blind No, he can’t. Yes, he can.

  He only wants to play.




  熟練掌握單詞與短語:blind, show,special,clever

  熟練掌握重點語句:This dog can help him.

  Can Fifi help the blind people?

  No, he can’t .He only wants to play.

  使學(xué)生能夠靈活運用can ,can’t描述動物具有的能力,并且能用can對動物是否具有某種能力進行提問。






  Step 1 Warming up

  Draw an animal on the blackboard. Let the students guess what animal it is .

  It’s a dog.


  Step 2 Presentation and practice

  1. Draw a man beside a dog. Then draw the man to blind. Talk about it then teach the word“blind”.Watch a TV show and answer a question“Who can help the blind man ?”

  2. Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter.




  3.Listen to CDROM and answer the question “Can Fifi help the blind people? ”

  Write down the sentence on the blackboard and repeat it.

  4.Listen again and answer the question “What does he want to do?”

  5. Listen and circle the sentences with “can or can’t”.

  6. Memorizing game. Guess what the special animals can do .

  7. Listen the passage and repeat it.

  8. Do some exercises on AB p26 1: Read the text and circle.


  Step 4 Consolidation and extension

  1. Talk about pictures about some special animals. Then the students talk about them in group using "This…can … . This …can’t … . "

  3. Give each group a picture of an animal, let each group watch and discuss. For example, “It’s white. It’s fat. It can catch the mouse. It can’t swim.”

  Then show it.


  Step 5 Summary


  2,用課件展示搜救犬、緝毒犬、警犬等多種犬類,并顯示英文。讓學(xué)生在知曉狗是人類的朋友的基礎(chǔ)上展示“The dogs are our friends. We love dogs. We love animals.”

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Listen to the tape for 5 times .

  2. Try to find other helpful animals and try to describe them.










